
​Your voice matters: AMI teams up with the Minoritised Life Scientists Future Forum


Applied Microbiology International has announced that it is partnering with the Minoritised Life Scientists Future Forum (MLSFF) conference, which takes place at the end of March.

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Food security


Using sugars from peas speeds up sour beer brewing

Researchers have brewed new sour beers in less time using field peas. The experimental beers had fruity flavors and other attributes comparable to a commercial Belgian-style sour, but with shorter, simpler brewing steps.

Clean Water


Summer studentship: Ojewale finds novel Actinomycetes offer rare antimicrobial metabolites


Ojewale Ifeoluwa Florence reports back on her AMI-sponsored summer studentship which focused on the investigation of Actinobacteria found in local freshwater environments in Ogun State, Nigeria, under supervisor Dr. Amina Badmos.