All animal microbiome articles
Discovering the microbial world on Galapagos giant tortoise shells
The Galapagos giant tortoises are not only a marvel of nature but also a symbol of conservation efforts, inspiring scientists around the globe to protect endangered species. They are living relics of a time when these slow-moving giants roamed the continents.
What a waste: poop and plastic in the study of purple martin microbiomes
Sometimes questions on conservation in research can take multiple forms.
Tarantula bites and the emerging field of venom microbiomics
The field of venom-microbiomics is not only an opportunity for better medical treatment of venomous animal bites or stings, but also a means to explore a new ecosystem, learn about evolution, and study a microbiota with potential biotechnological applications.
Vaccine primes frog microbiome for future exposure to deadly fungal outbreak
A new study has found that a new vaccine against the deadly chytrid fungus in frogs can shift the composition of the microbiome, making frogs more resilient to future exposure to the fungus.