Food security

Millions of people are undernourished globally and with the population growing, food security is a major concern. Food security is multifaceted, requiring advancements in food safety, ensuring products have a good shelf life, reducing spoilage and providing dietary additions to improve the nutrient intake of the population. The application of microbiology is far reaching, and new approaches are required to maintain food security. Through an improved understanding of plant-microbe interactions, it is possible to forecast and mitigate food shortages.


Smart bioprospecting needed to expand the search for climate-friendly microalgae

New research has highlighted microalgae’s capacity as a solution in the fight against climate change, but researchers warn that “smart microalgal bioprospecting” is needed to unlock its full potential.  

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Researchers take step towards creating Salmonella vaccine

A study of a new method to deliver a Salmonella vaccine found that when tested with real-world strains of Salmonella, the vaccine created antibodies against this microbe in the mice – which equips the animals with a defense mechanism against the pathogen.