Economic Equality

Across the globe there are huge disparities in access to basic services such as healthcare, education, and economic resources, with the UN estimating over 98 million people live on less than $1.90 a day. It is vital for microbial research to identify those areas which actively maintain cycles of poverty and disparity. In recognising the interconnected nature of human financial systems and environmental health, microbial research can be a leader in working toward Economic Equality.


Applied Microbiology International unveils 11 new Global Ambassadors

AMI has announced that it has recruited 11 new Global Ambassadors from around the world. Global ambassadors have a range of expertise and knowledge across regions and sectors, and support and promote applied microbiology and our organisation.

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More Economic Equality



Rhizobacteria identified to combat striga and boost sorghum yields in Ethiopia

Researchers have identified potential Striga-suppressing rhizobacteria associated with sorghum, which have been shown to significantly reduce Striga seed germination rates.