Clean water

UNICEF estimates that over 2.2 billion people worldwide do not have access to clean drinking water. Micro-organisms are responsible for a host of waterborne diseases, but simultaneously offer solutions in purifying water and improving sanitation. Biofertilizers offer promising solutions for reduced nutrient runoff and wastewater recycling. As well as applying microbes to combat the problem, applied microbiologists can use their knowledge of health and disease to reduce cases of waterborne disease.


​AMAST Network launches to battle AMR in the agrifood system

AMAST – the AMR in Agrifood Systems Transdisciplinary Network, has been created to harness perspectives from across agrifood stakeholders and prepare new ways to tackle these challenges.

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Ancient microbes offer clues to how complex life evolved

A single-celled organism, a close relative of animals, harbors the remnants of ancient giant viruses woven into its own genetic code, shedding light on how complex organisms may have acquired some of their genes.