All COVID-19 articles – Page 10
Negativity about vaccines surged on Twitter after COVID-19 jabs become available
There was a marked increase in negativity about vaccines on Twitter after COVID-19 vaccines became available, while spikes in the number of negative tweets coincided with announcements from healthcare authorities about vaccination.
Undocumented Latinx patients got COVID-19 vaccine at same rate as US citizens
For undocumented Latinx patients who sought care in the emergency room during the pandemic, the reported rate of having received the COVID-19 vaccine was found to be the same as U.S. citizens, a new UCLA Health study has found. These findings surprised researchers, given that COVID-19 disproportionately affected the Latinx ...
Study confirms effectiveness of bivalent COVID-19 vaccine
A major bivalent COVID-19 vaccine induces production of neutralizing antibodies against the coronavirus that circulated at the start of the pandemic as well as subvariants of omicron, albeit less abundantly, according to a new study.
Effective health comms needed to save lives during epidemics
An African infectious disease expert discusses how effective public health communication is critical for fighting epidemics and saving lives across the African continent.
Antibiotic use in patients hospitalised with COVID-19 appears to have no beneficial effect on clinical outcomes
An analysis of more than 1,300 German adults hospitalised with moderate COVID-19 finds treatment with antibiotics was associated with five times greater likelihood of COVID-19 deterioration compared to patients not given antibiotics.
To mask or not to mask? Understanding public health behaviors during COVID-19
Researchers from Osaka University find that mask-wearing behavior depends on complex relationships between context and social norms.
COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness and fewer common side-effects most important factors in whether adults choose to get vaccinated
Concerns about the common side-effects of COVID-19 vaccines and their effectiveness are key to determining whether adults in Germany and the UK choose to get vaccinated against the virus, according to new research.
Engineers muffle invading pathogens with a ‘molecular mask’
Researchers are developing a hydrogel therapy that acts as a first line of defense against viruses and other biological threats. The peptides that make up this gel prevent viruses such as SARS-CoV-2 from attaching to and entering cells.
Optimal timing maximises Paxlovid benefits for treating COVID-19
Study suggests using the anti-COVID-19 treatment Paxlovid three to five days after symptoms emerge in patients and expanding global access to the drug may help reduce the severity and transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Safety, immunogenicity and preliminary efficacy of a randomized clinical trial of omicron XBB.1.5-containing bivalent mRNA vaccine
This study reported a very comprehensive evaluation of neutralization against 9 different SARS-CoV-2 variants by three types of variant vaccines of the same delivery system in a head-to-head design.
Rise seen in use of antibiotics for conditions they can’t treat – including COVID-19
A five-year trend study shows a rebound in inappropriate use after an early-pandemic dip, and a need to tackle overuse in all patients during viral illness outbreaks.
New technology uncovers mechanism affecting generation of new COVID variants
Researchers have developed a new technology called tARC-seq that revealed a genetic mechanism affecting SARS-CoV-2 divergence and enabled the team to calculate SARS-CoV-2’s mutation rate.
More than half of global infectious diseases experts surveyed rate influenza as the number one pathogen of concern of pandemic potential
When infectious diseases experts were asked to rank pathogens in order of their pandemic potential, influenza was considered the pathogen of highest pandemic risk, with 57% ranking it as number one, and 17% ranking it second.
COVID-19 increases the risk of severe cardiovascular problems in people with HIV
A study has revealed that people living with HIV who have experienced an episode of COVID-19 face a significant increase in the risk of cardiovascular diseases in the year following infection.
Small is beautiful when it comes to genomics analysis
Choice of alignment algorithms can make a huge difference to the outcome when you’re examining SARS-CoV-2 genome sequences, researchers will tell the Letters in Applied Microbiology ECS Research Symposium.
Longest known SARS-CoV-2 infection of 613 days led to unique highly mutated variant
New research to be presented at next week’s ESCMID Global Congress highlights the risk of new immune-evasive SARS-CoV-2 variants emerging in immunocompromised patients.
Specific nasal cells protect against COVID-19 in children
Important differences in how the nasal cells of young and elderly people respond to the SARS-CoV-2 virus, could explain why children typically experience milder COVID-19 symptoms, a new study finds.
Innovative antiviral defense with new CRISPR tool
Scientists outline how they have overcome a significant obstacle that has hampered the effectiveness of Cas13d: its restriction to the nucleus of mammalian cells.
Researchers find no link between COVID-19 virus and development of asthma in children
Researchers have found that a SARS-COV-2 infection likely does not increase the risk of asthma development in pediatric patients.
New book helps citizen scientists navigate complexities of infectious disease outbreaks
A new book helps translate the complex interconnectedness of outbreak responses used by professionals across different fields, presenting accessible information that ensures a shared understanding of the essential activities to control an outbreak.