All endosymbiosis articles
Unusual endosymbionts crop up all over the world
Scientists have discovered peculiar mitochondria-like symbionts all over the world, and unveiled their surprising metabolic capacities in a new study.
Study offers insight into chloroplast evolution
Researchers have found evidence suggesting that the primary role of primitive chloroplasts may have been to produce chemical energy for the cell and only later shifted so that most or all of the energy they generated was used for carbon assimilation.
Scientists study how a bacterium becomes a permanent resident in a fungus
To study the beginnings of endosymbiosis between two organisms, a team of researchers initiated such partnerships in the laboratory and observed what exactly happens at the beginning of a possible endosymbiosis.
Just one single molecule can disrupt symbiosis
Researchers have found that the bacterial species Mycetohabitans rhizoxinica lives happily in the hyphae of the fungus Rhizopus microsporus only when the bacteria produce a certain protein.