All ETH Zurich articles
Microbe dietary preferences influence the effectiveness of carbon sequestration in the deep ocean
The movement of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the surface of the ocean to the deep ocean depends on a number of seemingly small processes - including the dietary preferences of bacteria that feed on organic molecules called lipids.
Researchers find new way to turn bacteria into cellulose-producing mini-factories
A new approach to turning microorganisms into living mini-factories has been developed, allowing scientists to produce tens of thousands of variants of the bacterium very quickly.
Scientists unveil evidence for new groups of methane-producing organisms
A team of scientists has provided the first experimental evidence that two new groups of microbes thriving in thermal features in Yellowstone National Park produce methane.
Enzyme that reproduces Meinwald reaction offers hope as bionanomachine for green chemistry
Researchers have for the first time precisely characterised the enzyme styrene oxide isomerase, which can be used to produce valuable chemicals and drug precursors in an environmentally friendly manner.
Bacteria can deliver on promise of climate-neutral chemicals of the future
To explore the potential of synthetic methylotrophs for the biotechnological production of industrially relevant bulk chemicals, researchers have equipped the bacteria with additional genes for four different biosynthetic pathways.
Syphilis-like diseases were already widespread in America before the arrival of Columbus
Researchers at the Universities of Basel and Zurich have discovered the genetic material of the pathogen Treponema pallidum in the bones of people who died in Brazil 2,000 years ago. Source: Photo: Dr. Jose Filippini Skeleton at the site in Jubuicabeira II, Brazil. This is the oldest ...
Phages found that bring slumbering bacteria out of deep sleep and then kill them
Researchers questioning whether evolution might have produced bacteriophages that specialise in dormant bacteria and could be used to target them have now shown that such phages, though rare, do indeed exist.
Soil fungi may help explain the global gradient in forest diversity
Mycorrhizal fungi appear to be counteracting the effects of harmful soil pathogens in ways that influence global patterns of forest diversity.
Researchers reveal how Salmonella relatives grow together in the gut
Scientists investigating the dynamics of bacterial coexistence in the gut discovered how a secondary group of bacteria can thrive when closely related resident bacteria are present.
Rapid test for cystitis deploys phages to destroy pathogens
Scientists have developed a rapid test that employs the natural viral predators of bacteria, bacteriophages. The researchers also genetically modified the phages to make them more efficient at destroying the pathogenic bacteria.
New method builds fluorescent nanotubes to detect bacteria and viruses
Researchers have developed a new approach to construct modular optical sensors which are capable of detecting viruses and bacteria.
Scientists reveal how Captain Cook microbe forms clumps
Researchers have described for the first time how the marine microorganism Trichodesmium filaments form aggregates through a simple yet exquisitely effective behavioural strategy.
Global warming accelerates CO2 emissions from soil microbes
Emissions of CO2 by soil microbes into the Earth’s atmosphere are not only expected to increase but also accelerate on a global scale by the end of this century, a new study suggests.
Phylogenetic analysis reveals the lessons of previous bird flu outbreaks
Researchers have confirmed that the H7N9 virus was likely circulating in poultry for several months before being discovered in both poultry markets and humans and that more poultry markets may have been affected than previously believed.