Roland Marmeisse

Roland Marmeisse

Roland Marmeisse is a senior research scientist at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in France. He works at the Institute of Systematics, Evolution and Biodiversity (ISYEB) affiliated to the CNRS, Sorbonne University and the National Museum of Natural History in Paris. He collaborates as an associated researcher with the CNR Institute for Sustainable Plant Protection (IPSP) in Turin, Italy. Roland Marmeisse was trained as a mycologist, microbial ecologist and developed projects in the field of environmental genomics. Since 2020, in collaboration with different herbaria in France, he investigates the impact of global changes on the diversity of the soil and plant microbiomes. This project in the field of paleomicrobiology uses plants in herbaria and the soil associated with their roots as a source of ancient DNA, whose content reflects the diversity of plant-associated microbiomes before the onset of intensive farming.