All German Center for Infection Research articles
Novel antibiotic BTZ-043 also reaches tuberculosis bacteria hiding in dead lung tissue
Researchers have shown that the novel antibiotic BTZ-043 effectively penetrates tubercolous lesions and accumulates there in high concentrations. Consequently, the drug can fight Mtb bacteria even in hard-to-reach areas.
New study sheds light on the causes of fevers of unknown origin in sub-Saharan Africa
By conducting a retrospective observational study, the causes of fevers of unknown origin (FUO) in sub-Saharan Africa were investigated using conventional diagnostic methods, highlighting the appropriate needs of point-of-care testing in the regions.
Start-up EBViously announces its launch
EBViously, a spin-off of Helmholtz Munich, officially started operations on 11 November 2024. The company is developing a preventive vaccine against diseases caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV).
New guidelines unveil advanced strategies for HIV treatment and prevention
The International Antiviral (formerly AIDS) Society-USA (IAS-USA) has published new international guidelines for the treatment and prevention of HIV, based on significant advances in antiretroviral therapies and new prevention strategies such as pre-exposure prophylaxis.
Human clinical study launched using phage lysin to eliminate staph in the nasal microbiome
A “first-in-human” study with the novel drug candidate HY-133 began on 10 July with the recruitment of clinically healthy volunteers who tested positive for Staphylococcus aureus colonisation of the nose.
Scientists investigate effectiveness of non-pharmaceutical interventions against pathogens
Scientists have investigated the success of non-pharmaceutical interventions, analysing almost two million SARS-CoV-2 genomes that occurred in the German population during the years of the pandemic.
Two ways that members of the microbiome fight salmonella infections
Researchers have identified two mechanisms through which Klebsiella bacteria combat the spread of salmonella in the gut.
Call issued for actionable steps in response to the rising threat of antimicrobial resistance (AMR)
The AMR Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Platform has developed key recommendations for action on antimicrobial resistance for consideration by United Nations (UN) Member States in the UN General Assembly High-Level Meeting on AMR.
Competing bacteria yield possible alternative to antibiotics
Scientists have discovered a new so-called lantibiotic, namely epilancin A37. It is produced by staphylococci that colonize the skin and acts specifically against their main competitors there, the corynebacteria.
AiCuris and DZIF sign Collaboration and License Option Agreement
AiCuris Anti-infective Cures AG and the German Center for Infection Research (DZIF) have announced the signing of a collaboration and license option agreement.
Trial offers insights into treatment options for bloodstream infections
An international clinical trial has been able to gain decisive new insights into the treatment of bloodstream infections with the pathogen Staphylococcus aureus (SAB).
New antibiotics make TB bacterium less pathogenic for humans
Researchers have identified new, antibiotic molecules that target Mycobacterium tuberculosis and make it less pathogenic for humans.
Researchers decode new antibiotic clovibactin
Researchers have discovered and deciphered the mode of action of a new antibiotic, clovibactin, which is derived from a soil bacterium.
Monoclonal antibody shows promise for treating chronic hepatitis B and D infections
In a preclinical study, the potential of an engineered investigational human monoclonal antibody for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B and hepatitis D has been demonstrated.
Achilles heel is uncovered in Helicobacter pylori
Researchers have discovered a weakness in the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which could be exploited to develop new drugs.
Researcher receives €1.5m from ERC to probe insecticide resistance in malaria transmission
Dr Victoria Ingham, a scientist at Heidelberg Medical Faculty and the German Center for Infection Research (DZIF), has been awarded an ERC Starting Grant of €1.5 million for her research on the infectious disease malaria.