All invasive species articles
Native fungus could offer biocontrol for invasive autumn olive
Researchers are studying a native fungus that potentially could kill the invasive autumn olive with minimal human interaction.To remove the autumn olive currently, the plant needs to have its underground root system removed in addition to the destruction of the plant itself, but this fungus could make this process much easier.
Researchers to deploy fungus to combat devilishly invasive tree-of-heaven
Researchers are examining if a natural fungus that kills the highly invasive tree-of-heaven could be spread to other trees-of-heaven by the spotted lanternfly, in turn reducing populations of this pest insect as well.
In Lake Erie, climate change scrambles zooplankton’s seasonal presence
A new analysis of zooplankton in western Lake Erie shows that their biomass and seasonal behavioral patterns have been drastically altered by human-driven changes in water temperature and food webs.