All Lactobacillus crispatus articles
First full characterization of kidney microbiome unlocks potential to prevent kidney stones
Low levels of bacteria like E. coli and Lactobacillus in our urine come from communities in our kidneys, where they promote or prevent kidney stone formation.
Human cervix modeled in microfluidic organ chip helps target bacterial vaginosis
Engineered cervix with in vivo-like mucus production, hormone sensitivity, and associated microbiome creates novel testbed for bacterial vaginosis therapeutics and other treatments.
Vaginal health bacterium offers a choice of strains for probiotic therapy
Different strains of a bacterium known as a determinant of vaginal health show a variety of colonising abilities and may offer a wider range of options for potential antimicrobial therapy.
Vaginal suppository with lactobacilli can prevent recurrent cystitis
Scientists find that administration of Lactobacilli could mitigate the differences in vaginal microbiota between women with and without recurrent cystitis.
Bacteria-based fat-free whipped cream could soon be on the menu
Food researchers at the University of Copenhagen have developed a fat-free whipped cream prototype built using bacteria instead of milk fat in both velvety and stiffer varieties.