All powdery mildew articles
Blueberries beware: Powdery mildew spreading across the globe
A new study pinpoints the worldwide spread of a fungus that taints blueberry plants with powdery mildew, a disease that reduces blueberry yield and encourages the use of fungicides to combat disease spread.
Cold climate wheat varieties could provide answers to blast threat
New research unexpectedly reveals that wheat varieties with resistance to another pathogen, powdery mildew, also confer protection against wheat blast.
Powdery mildew loves city living - scientists investigate why
Weeds in the city had significantly more mildew than the weeds in the suburbs or countryside, discovers a team that tracked infestations of powdery mildew on common broadleaf weeds.
Researchers reveal molecular mechanism of CsMLO8/11 in regulating cucumber powdery mildew resistance
Scientists have made important progress in uncovering the molecular mechanism of powdery mildew (PM) resistance in cucumber.