All raw milk articles
Flu virus remains infectious in refrigerated raw milk
Influenza or flu virus can remain infectious in refrigerated raw milk for up to five days, a new study reveals. The findings come at a time when outbreaks of bird flu in dairy cattle have raised concerns about the potential for a new pandemic.
Despite risk, many unsure of temperature to heat food to prevent illness
With bird flu virus detected in cow’s milk, U.S. health authorities have warned the public against potential sources of exposure, including drinking raw or unpasteurized milk, and have reiterated a general warning that consuming uncooked or undercooked poultry or beef products can make you sick. Relatively few ...
Public fails to appreciate risk of consuming raw milk, survey finds
Fewer than half of U.S. adults know that drinking raw milk is less safe than drinking pasteurized milk and many Americans do not understand the risks of consuming raw milk, according to a new health survey.
Infectious H5N1 influenza virus in raw milk rapidly declines with heat treatment
The amount of infectious H5N1 influenza viruses in raw milk rapidly declines with heat treatment, but small amounts of infectious virus remain in raw milk samples with high virus levels when treated at 72 degrees Celsius for 15 seconds.
High H5N1 influenza levels found in mice given raw milk from infected dairy cows
Mice administered raw milk samples from dairy cows infected with H5N1 influenza experienced high virus levels in their respiratory organs and lower virus levels in other vital organs, according to new research.