All Vanderbilt University Medical Center articles
Study shows drop in use of antiviral medications in young children with influenza
Despite national medical guidelines supporting the use of antiviral medications in young children diagnosed with influenza, a recent study reports an underuse of the treatment.
Zinc deficiency promotes Acinetobacter lung infection: study
Dietary zinc deficiency promotes lung infection by Acinetobacter baumannii bacteria — a leading cause of ventilator-associated pneumonia, according to a new study.
NIH funds consortium to accelerate development of new TB treatments
A new consortium has been awarded a five-year, $31 million grant from the National Institutes of Health’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases to accelerate the development of faster, more effective treatment regimens for tuberculosis.
Newly isolated antibodies may aid effort to fight influenza B
Researchers have isolated human monoclonal antibodies against influenza B, a significant public health threat that disproportionately affects children, the elderly and other immunocompromised individuals.
Antiviral treatment largely underused in children with influenza
Despite US national medical guidelines supporting the use of antiviral medications in young children diagnosed with influenza, a new study reports an underuse of the treatment.