All KAUST articles
Cold climate wheat varieties could provide answers to blast threat
New research unexpectedly reveals that wheat varieties with resistance to another pathogen, powdery mildew, also confer protection against wheat blast.
Lab-grown skin helps unlock secrets of mpox virus infection
A new model system for studying mpox virus infections in the laboratory is providing valuable insights into the virus’s mechanisms of attack on skin cells.
Desert microbes turn on drought tolerance when needed
Germinating Arabidopsis and alfalfa with a microbe taken from the roots of a common desert plant has been shown to help them to thrive under drought conditions.
Disturbance could boost microbe protection of mangroves
Engineering disturbance in mangrove sediments could help to conserve these habitats by boosting their microbiome, a new study suggests.
Humps and bumps provide home for microbes jumpstarting soil formation in glacial moraine
Scientists have discovered how topographical irregularities in barren substrates exposed by a melting Himalayan glacier are driving the formation of a variety of pioneering microbial communities that will pave the way for soil formation.