All King Abdullah University of Science and Technology articles
Study finds diversity of deadly bacteria different in Saudi Arabia compared with rest of world
The largest epidemiology study ever of multidrug resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae in Saudi hospitals reveals a unique health strategy is required for Saudi Arabia.
Ancient viral elements in RNA kickstart bone repair
A common transposable element - a DNA fragment originating from an ancient virus - plays a positive role in triggering bone repair, with potential applications in treating osteoporosis and many other diseases.
Meet the Global Ambassadors: our Q&A with Alexandre S. Rosado
The Microbiologist gets to know our new Global Ambassador for Saudi Arabia, Alexandre S Rosado, who is Professor of Bioscience at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology.
Scientists target seed microbes to improve seed resilience
Fonio (Digitaria exilis), a type of millet, is the oldest indigenous crop in West Africa and one of the fastest maturing cereals. Despite its low yield, the combination of quick maturation and drought tolerance and its ability to thrive in poor soils make it a useful model for understanding how ...
Dr Raquel Peixoto named as winner of the inaugural Rachel Carson Prize 2023
Dr Raquel Peixoto of King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia has been named as this year’s winner of the inaugural Rachel Carson Prize for microbiology.
Winners of Applied Microbiology International Horizon Awards are announced
The winners of the Applied Microbiology International Horizon Awards were announced at the prestigious Environmental Microbiology lecture 2023, held at BMA House in London on November 16. The prizes, awarded by Applied Microbiology International, celebrate the brightest minds in the field and promote the research, group, projects, ...
Malaria protein discovery offers path for novel antimalarial intervention strategies
The discovery of a malaria protein that helps the parasite grow inside red blood cells and plays a key regulatory role in the parasite’s immune evasion tactics could pave the way for new vaccines or therapeutics to combat the deadly infection.
Antiscalants for desalination membranes may contain bacteria-boosting chemicals
Identifying the components of membrane antiscalants that cause biofouling could help make seawater desalination a more sustainable source of fresh water, scientists say.
Tobacco plant engineered to act as drug factory
Researchers have engineered a close relative of tobacco, Nicotiana benthamiana, to churn out peptides with antibiotic activity against some of the nastiest pathogens known to medicine.