All Klebsiella articles
Scientists identify possible new transmission factor in hospital-acquired Klebsiella infections
The dangerous multidrug resistant (MDR) pathogen, Klebsiella, thrives under nutrient-deprived polymicrobial community conditions found in hospital environments, a new study reveals.
Biting flies on dairy farms can spread bovine mastitis
A study has identified Stomoxys flies (also known as stable flies) as carriers of pathogenic bacteria that cause bovine mastitis.
Rapid test for cystitis deploys phages to destroy pathogens
Scientists have developed a rapid test that employs the natural viral predators of bacteria, bacteriophages. The researchers also genetically modified the phages to make them more efficient at destroying the pathogenic bacteria.
Diagnostic technique IDs five key AMR markers in water samples in less than an hour
A new testing method can detect five key antimicrobial resistance markers in water samples in less than an hour.
Hospitals are riskier than farms when it comes to superbug transmission - but beware your pet
A deadly drug resistant bacterium that rivals MRSA is found in livestock, pets and the wider environment, but is rarely transmitted to humans through this route, scientists have found.