All Penn State articles – Page 2
Probiotic feed additive boosts growth and health in poultry in place of antibiotics
Researchers found that supplementing the diet of young chicks with a probiotic over 21 days significantly boosted the abundance of beneficial intestinal microorganisms.
Synthetic material could improve ease and cut cost of gut microbiome research
A team of researchers has developed a new synthetic material that could enable scientists to more easily study how microorganisms interact with the gastrointestinal (GI) system.
New nasal vaccine platform helps clear COVID-19 infections in an animal model
Researchers demonstrate proof-of-principle of a protein-based platform, called SpyCage, that could eventually help to prevent infection and transmission of respiratory viruses, like SARS-CoV-2.
Study reveals how virus hijacks insect sperm to control disease vectors and pests
A new study reveals how viral proteins from symbiotic bacteria cause sterility in insects.
Drought may drive deadly amphibian disease by disrupting skin microbiome
Progressively severe droughts are disrupting the microbiomes of the thumbnail-sized orange frogs, potentially leaving them vulnerable to a deadly fungal disease, according to a new study by an international research team.
New inexpensive method can visualize the smallest protein clusters
Engineers have pioneered a new way to visualize the smallest protein clusters, skirting the physical limitations of light-powered microscopes and opening new avenues for detecting proteins and testing new treatments.
Researchers to probe how Zika virus replicates and transmits from mother to fetus
Nearly $6 million in new NIH grants will enable researchers to investigate how Zika virus replicates and crosses the placenta to infect unborn children.
Foodborne-pathogen Listeria may hide from sanitizers in multi-species biofilms
The finding could result in more effective sanitation procedures, leading to safer food supply, researchers said.
Study reveals how bacteria use snot to swarm and spread infection
New research shows how thicker mucus supercharges bacteria’s ability to self-organize into swarms to spread infection.
Study of sourdough starter microbiomes to boost bread quality and safety
Researchers are studying whether bacteria in the yeast starter needed to make sourdough bread might help reduce gluten in other bread products.
Researchers predict climate change-driven reduction in beneficial plant microbes
Bacteria that benefit plants are thought to be a critical contributor to crops and other ecosystems, but climate change may reduce their numbers, according to a new study by an international team of researchers.
Dangerous bee virus growing less deadly in at least one US forest, researchers find
The findings suggest the virus can evolve to be less severe and could help inform solutions to mitigate the virus in managed honey bee colonies.
Bioluminescent bacteria coordinate signalling to colonize squid’s light organ
Researchers reveal how bioluminescent bacteria coordinate their behaviour to colonize the Hawaiian bobtail squid through cellular signaling and cues from the environment.
Digital test directly measures HIV viral load
Researchers have developed a time and cost-efficient digital assay that can directly measure the presence of HIV in a single drop of blood.
Researchers can use ultrasound to control orientation of small particles, including bacteria
Using ultrasound technology and a nozzle, scientists have separated, controlled and ejected different particles based on their shape and various properties, with implications for drug delivery and bioprinting.
Vaccine primes frog microbiome for future exposure to deadly fungal outbreak
A new study has found that a new vaccine against the deadly chytrid fungus in frogs can shift the composition of the microbiome, making frogs more resilient to future exposure to the fungus.
Oak bud bacterium could pave way to sifting out rare earths
A protein found naturally in a bacterium isolated from English oak buds shows strong capabilities of differentiating between rare earths.
First rapid test for mpox can be tailored for other emerging diseases
The first rapid test for mpox has been developed - the selective molecular sensor can detect the virus within minutes, without the use of any high-end instrumental techniques.
Microbiome in wood warbler’s gut driven by evolution rather than diet
Scientists have found that differences among the microbes that live within wood warblers’ digestive tracts are not primarily driven by diet diversity, contrary to a recently proposed hypothesis.
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