All Proteus mirabilis articles
Discharge of untreated hospital effluent is a key driver of multidrug resistance, study finds
A new study has highlighted the discharge of untreated hospital effluent to the environment as a major driver of multidrug resistance among the microbial community.
Organ agar offers big benefits for the study of bacteria
Animal models are a necessary research tool for understanding how diseases develop and how therapies work in biological systems and can be credited for breakthroughs ranging from effective antibiotics to the COVID vaccines. Source: CDC Clonies of Gram-negative Proteus mirabilis bacteria, grown on a xylose-lysine-deoxycholate (XLD) agar plate. ...
Artificial bladders shine light on bugs that cause urinary tract infections
The first study to use a sophisticated human tissue model to explore the interaction between host and pathogen for six common species that cause urinary tract infections suggest that the ‘one size fits all’ approach is inadequate.
New algorithm for quicker detection of antibiotic resistance
Researchers have developed a new method that enables quicker detection of a frequently overlooked antibiotic resistance.
Pattern-forming bacteria used with AI as sensors
Synthetic biologists have engineered bacterial swarm patterns to visibly record environment and use deep learning to decode patterns - applications could range from monitoring environmental pollution to building living materials.
Tumour bacteria can trigger anticancer response
A novel approach to treating cancer uses bacteria that naturally reside within tumours to trigger a powerful anticancer immune response.