Sangeeta Yadav
Sangeeta Yadav completed her M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Biochemistry from Nagpur University, Nagpur in 1998 and 2004 respectively. She was awarded three post-doctoral fellowships from Govt. of India namely DST-Women Scientist Scheme-A (WOS-A), New Delhi (2005-2008); DST-SERC Fast Track Young Scientist Project, New Delhi (2009-2012) and DST-SERB Fast Track Project, New Delhi (2013-2016). She has more than 50 publications including research, reviews, and chapters in Books. Her area of specialization is microbial enzyme technology and she has extensively worked on microbial pectin lyases. She is a life member of scientific societies namely BRSI, Trivandrum, SBC(I), Bangalore and Indian Science Congress, Association, Calcutta.
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- Features
The diverse industrial applications of microbial pectinases
With the increasing demand for pectinases, there is a need to enhance production and search for new applications.