All University of Plymouth articles
A Sustainable Development Goal for space?
Scientists have called for the designation of a new United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) with the aim to conserve and sustainably use Earth’s orbit, and prevent the accumulation of space junk.
2,000-year-old shipworm mystery solved - its destructive skills are down to bacterial symbionts
Scientists have discovered that a population of symbiotic microbes, living in an overlooked sub-organ of the shipworm gut called the ’typhlosole’, have the ability to secrete the enzymes needed to digest lignin—the toughest part of wood.
World famous Roman Baths could help scientists counter antibiotic resistance
The world-famous Roman Baths are home to a diverse range of microorganisms which could be critical in the global fight against antimicrobial resistance, a new study suggests.
Study highlights the abundance and importance of the ocean’s tiniest inhabitants
Researchers recommend that tiny plankton groups should be used to inform biodiversity indicators that meet policy obligations under the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), OSPAR strategies, and the UK Marine Strategy.
Chlorine disinfectant is no more effective than water at killing off hospital superbug
Research explores the impact of using recommended chlorine chemicals to tackle Clostridioides difficile, the most common cause of antibiotic associated sickness in healthcare settings globally.
Deep sea sponges yield new bacterial strains that may battle pathogens
Researchers who scoured deep sea sponges in search of novel antimicrobial compounds have discovered several bacterial strains that are effective against a variety of pathogens.