All necrotizing enterocolitis articles
New approach may prevent deadly intestinal disease in preemies
Scientists have found that an investigational protein replacement protected neonatal mice from necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), a deadly intestinal disease that often strikes extremely premature infants.
Research to advance understanding of deadly disease that affects premature babies
Three researchers have earned more than $5 million in grant money to study causes and potential treatments for necrotizing enterocolitis, a deadly intestinal disease that primarily affects infants born prematurely.
Catch-22: the FDA, probiotics, and preterm infants
As the FDA issues warning letters about probiotic products sold for use in hospitalized preterm infants, families of babies threatened by necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) now face a deadly Catch-22 situation.
Probiotics delivered in biofilm state protect the intestines and brain in NEC model
Researchers have developed a novel probiotic system that harnesses the durability of biofilms to improve the administration of probiotics to patients.
NEC Society launches neonatal probiotics toolkit
The Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC) Society has released a toolkit that provides structure to clinicians in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) as they consider the complex process and decision of whether to implement probiotics to help prevent NEC.
Engineered E. coli delivers therapeutic nanobodies to the gut
A genetically modified beneficial strain of bacteria blocks intestinal inflammation in a preclinical model of inflammatory bowel disease and has the potential to treat intestinal-based diseases.
UC San Diego launches new Human Milk Institute
The University of California San Diego has launched a new Human Milk Institute (HMI) to accelerate research into the nature, biology and therapeutic potential of human milk to prevent or treat both infant and adult diseases.