All Vibrio cholerae articles
Newly discovered antimicrobial could prevent or treat cholera
Natural antimicrobials called microcins are produced by bacteria in the gut and show promise in fighting infection. A study identifies the first known microcin that targets the strains of bacteria that cause cholera.
Climate anomalies may play a major role in driving cholera pandemics
New research suggests that an El Niño event may have aided the establishment of a novel cholera strain during an early 20th-century pandemic, suggesting climate anomalies could create opportunities for the emergence of new cholera strains.
Cholera: vaccination or better infrastructure?
Vibrio cholerae continues to challenge public health systems worldwide. Should we prioritize vaccination or infrastructure improvements?
Persistent strain of cholera defends itself against forces of change, scientists find
A deadly strain of cholera bacteria that emerged in Indonesia back in 1961 continues to spread widely to this day, claiming thousands of lives around the world every year, sickening millions — and, with its persistence, baffling scientists. Source: CDC/ Dr. William A. Clark Under a magnification of ...
Antibiotics highjack bacterial immunity
Molecular defense system protects bacteria from viruses and at the same time makes them susceptible to antibiotics.
Simplified formulation of oral cholera vaccine, licensed by Korean regulatory agency
Euvichol-S, a simplified formulation of oral cholera vaccine, has been licensed by Korean regulatory agency, and is expected to alleviate global cholera vaccine shortages.
Researchers discover new method to inhibit cholera infection
A new study investigates a novel strategy for inhibiting the spread and infection of Vibrio cholerae, the bacteria responsible for the disease cholera.
Genes fuelling antibiotic resistance in Yemen cholera outbreak uncovered
Widespread antibiotic resistance among cholera-causing bacteria causing the outbreak in Yemen since 2018 explained by gene mixing.
Researchers using synthetic microbiomes to protect aquatic communities from bacteria
Scientists have been awarded a grant to create synthetic microbiomes – communities of microorganisms – that will better protect aquatic environments from bacteria.
New cholera substrains in Bangladesh uncovered by genomic surveillance
Researchers have uncovered two new cholera substrains in a displaced refugee population in southern Bangladesh, where a pre-emptive mass vaccination campaign of over one million refugees was successful in preventing an epidemic.
D-amino acids play role in cholera bacterium’s bid to escape
Cholera bacteria use specific D-amino acids to escape unfavourable niches and form complex ecological systems, a new study shows.
Cholera bacteria form aggressive biofilm to kill immune cells
Resarchers have discovered that the bacterial pathogen that causes cholera forms a novel type of bacterial community on immune cells: an aggressive biofilm that is lethal for the cells.
Harmful bacteria can elude predators when concealed in mixed colonies
Efforts to fight disease-causing bacteria by harnessing their natural predators could be undermined when multiple species occupy the same space, a new study has revealed.
Molecules found in mucus could prevent cholera infection
MIT researchers have identified molecules found in mucus that can block cholera infection by interfering with the genes that cause the microbe to switch into a harmful state.