All Epidemiology articles
Scientists develop new method to analyze sewage data for epidemic monitoring
Researchers across Europe have developed a new method for analyzing data from wastewater which can help identify whether disease-causing bacteria, viruses, and antimicrobial resistance come from humans, animals, industry, or the environment.
US COVID-19 rates show oscillating waves every six months
COVID-19 cases in the U.S. have shown unexpected oscillating waves every six months between the southern states and the northern states and, to a lesser degree, from east to west, according to new research.
Microorganisms can travel long distances in the troposphere
Air samples taken at altitudes up to 3,000 metres over Japan unveil the presence of a wide array of microbes, some of which are potentially pathogenic to humans, transported thousands of kilometers by aerosols originating in northeast China.
Study identifies areas of Europe at risk from dengue fever
As Europe grapples with the growing threat of tropical diseases brought by the Asian tiger mosquito, a research breakthrough is enabling scientists to accurately predict towns across the continent where there is a high risk of dengue fever.
WHO: Cholera surges as response efforts hit by critical shortage of Oral Cholera Vaccines
Since the start of the year, more than 300,000 cases of cholera and 2,326 deaths have been recorded worldwide, as the World Health Organization warns of a critical shortage of oral vaccines.
WHO declares mpox outbreak a public health emergency of international concern
WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has declared that the upsurge of mpox in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and a growing number of countries in Africa constitutes a public health emergency of international concern.
Prioritizing the elderly for COVID-19 boosters reduces overall deaths
When COVID-19 booster vaccines are in short supply, prioritizing the elderly over other age groups for booster vaccination results in the lowest loss of life, reports a new study.
Superbugs spread to family members of recently hospitalized patients
Family members of patients recently discharged from hospital may have a higher risk of getting an antibiotic-resistant infection, even if the patient was not diagnosed with the same infection, suggesting hospitals play a role in community spread of resistant bacteria.
Increased ventilation not effective in reducing influenza virus spread in play-based model
Increasing ventilation in child-care settings may not always be effective at preventing flu virus spread, according to a new study.
Future enterovirus outbreaks could be exacerbated by climate change
A common set of drivers can explain the timing of outbreaks of both hand, foot and mouth disease and polio, according to a recent study which suggests these summertime outbreaks may hint at implications for climate change.
study highlights factors associated with higher tuberculosis risk in South Africa
Tuberculosis is the world’s top infectious killer. About 10 million people fall ill with the disease every year, and roughly 1.5 million people die because of it, according to the World Health Organization. Additionally, about one-quarter of the world’s population is infected with the disease’s causative agent Myctuberobacterium tuberculosis. ...
Students to swab first responder vehicles through a CDC-funded infection control initiative
This fall, student research and project assistants will begin swabbing first responder vehicles, ambulances, fire trucks and equipment to identify pathogen exposure risks and enhance training.
Study sheds light on patterns of Leptospirosis infection
Part of a multi-year project, the study seeks to identify demographic, socioeconomic and environmental factors in a high transmission setting in Brazil.
Wastewater could yield thousands of novel viruses, study reveals
Deep metagenomic sequencing of wastewater in Berlin over 17 months shows this technique could help forecast disease outbreaks and monitor the spread of human pathogens. It can also reveal thousands of novel viruses, a new study reveals.
Researchers develop predictive model for cross-border COVID spread
A study on the spread of infections across Nordic borders from spring until the end of 2020 sheds light on the efficacy of cross-border travel restrictions, helping to better understand which measures actually make a difference.
RecombinHunt: predicting new pandemics through data analysis
A study presents the promising results of RecombinHunt, a new data-driven method which can identify, with high accuracy and computational efficiency, recombinant SARS-CoV-2 genomes with one or two breakpoints.
Infection, immunity and the One Health response in Indonesia
Infectious diseases (IDs) are a major health issue in Indonesia, as in many tropical low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), placing a significant economic burden on limited resources. Vaccination may have a critical role to play in the prevention of zoonotic infectious diseases.
Monitoring shows chikungunya epidemics can be predicted by means of surveillance
A study conducted in a medium-sized city in São Paulo state (Brazil) found that chikungunya, which has caused major epidemics in several countries, can also circulate silently in a community, with few infections for years.
Indian Ocean surface temperature could help anticipate dengue outbreaks
An international research team has recently identified a global climate indicator that may help improve predictions about the magnitude of dengue outbreaks several months in advance.
Indian ocean temperature anomalies predict global dengue trends
Sea surface temperature anomalies in the Indian Ocean predict the magnitude of global dengue epidemics, according to a new study - suggesting that the climate indicator could enhance the forecasting and planning for outbreak responses.