All Soil & Plant Science articles
Bacterial cellulose promotes plant tissue regeneration
Researchers have successfully uncovered the molecular mechanisms by which bacterial cellulose patches stimulate the regeneration of plant wounds, offering potential applications in grafting, pruning, and ornamental flower cutting for enhanced plant healing.
Biochemists discover self-repair function in key photosynthetic protein complex
Receiving too much light can damage the photosystem II protein complex shared by lineages of cyanobacteria, algae and land plants and erode the photosynthetic efficiency of plants. Biochemists have gleaned new details about how photosystem II repairs itself.
Researchers glean photosynthetic insights from volcanic hot springs
With the use of mathematic modelling, scientists uncovered the mechanisms of specific algae, such as Cyanidioschyzon merolae, to survive in the extreme environment of acidic hot springs near volcanos.
Fungi’s hidden power: How fungal biomass holds carbon in soil across ecosystems for millennia
A new study reveals a strong correlation between microbial biomass carbon and reactive mineral-associated carbon, indicating their significant contribution to the persistence and stability of soil carbon.
Drying and rewetting cycles substantially increase soil CO2 release
A study of forest and pastureland soils in Japan revealed that the amount of CO2 released from soil increases significantly due to the repeated drying and rewetting cycles (DWCs) expected to be caused by changes in precipitation patterns due to global warming.
Cultivation of microalga for food production shows that two-stage process yields best results
A new study looking into cultivating the microalga Nannochloropsis oceanica for food production shows that temperature and light are key factors in the yield of key nutrients.
Study yields new insights into the immune response of plants
Researchers have identified important components and mechanisms of the molecular machinery that transmits information about a pathogen encounter within the plant organism.
Morpho-phylogenetic evidence reveals novel hyphomycetous fungi on medicinal plants in Southwestern China
A survey of saprobic fungi on medicinal plants in Southwestern China identified 39 hyphomycetous collections belonging to Dictyosporiaceae, Melanommataceae, and Stachybotryaceae, representing 19 distinct species.
Meet the Global Ambassadors: Our Q&A with Petr Heděnec
The Microbiologist chats with our new Global Ambassador for Malaysia, Petr Heděnec, who is an Assistant Professor/University Lecturer at the Institute of Tropical Biodiversity and Sustainable Development at Universiti Malaysia Terengganu.
Global research on hydrothermal pretreatment: A green leap for biorefineries
From a global analysis of the research in hydrothermal pretreatment, a bibliometric study highlights its use as the future of biorefineries for sustainable biomass conversion.
Gene-edited soil bacteria could provide third source of nitrogen for corn production
If corn was ever jealous of soybean’s relationship with nitrogen-fixing bacteria, advancements in gene editing could one day even the playing field. A recent study from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign shows that gene-edited bacteria can supply the equivalent of 35 pounds of nitrogen from the air during early corn ...
Uprooting Cassava Disease: scientists identify causes of two devastating diseases
In a series of studies, researchers have established the pathogens and the first diagnostic tests for two diseases: Cassava Frogskin Disease and Cassava Witches’ Broom Disease.
Bacterial toxin offers hope to tackle soybean nematode pest
A new study reveals how genetically equipping soybean plants with bacterial toxin Cry14 could revolutionize the fight against the microscopic soybean cyst nematode. This approach has been implemented successfully to prevent SCN from feeding on soybean roots.
Study of hemp microbiomes may lead to more sustainable farming methods
A new study of hemp microbes may help scientists create special mixtures of helpful microbes to make hemp plants produce more CBD or have better-quality fibers.
Research aims for better control of widespread tomato spotted wilt virus
Texas A&M AgriLife Research scientists have received two grants to develop better control and understanding of tomato spotted wilt virus, one of the top 10 most economically important plant viruses in the world.
Microbial cell factories may help get to the root of understudied plant molecules
A team of researchers has developed a method to produce a special class of plant hormones, known as strigolactones, at unprecedented levels using microbial cell factories.
Soil fungus mechanism yield slow but effective control of nematodes
For the first time, researchers have been able to understand how the soil fungus 𝘔𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘢 𝘢𝘭𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘢 eliminates nematodes with the help of natural products and could thus also help agriculture.
Bacterial gene deployed in new trees to combat devastating citrus greening disease
Scientists are testing a new type of citrus tree, deploying a bacterial gene that can fight off the tiny insects responsible for citrus greening.
Study reveals root-lesion nematodes in maize crops - and one potential new species
A new study has lifted the lid on five species of root-lesion nematodes living in maize crops across New Zealand - and suggested the existence of a hitherto-unsuspected cryptic species.
Blueberries beware: Powdery mildew spreading across the globe
A new study pinpoints the worldwide spread of a fungus that taints blueberry plants with powdery mildew, a disease that reduces blueberry yield and encourages the use of fungicides to combat disease spread.