All AMI articles
Driving purpose: how I went from PhD to Trustee
AMI Trustee Kate Lagerstrom recounts her journey to becoming an AMI trustee.
AMI teams up with QIAGEN to offer free guide for improving soil DNA extraction
Applied Microbiology International has teamed up with international supplier of scientific equipment QIAGEN, to offer our readers free access to their latest recommendations for soil DNA extraction from sample to insight.
SfAM changes name to Applied Microbiology International in major rebrand
The Society for Applied Microbiology (SfAM) has formally changed its name to Applied Microbiology International (AMI) in the latest evolutionary step for the organisation.
Winner of WH Pierce Prize will be announced at Applied Microbiology International Awards 2022
The winner of the WH Pierce Prize is due to be announced later this month at the Applied Microbiology International Awards 2022.
Welcome to the launch of The Microbiologist
With a fresh new team who are enthused about communicating all things microbiology, our user-friendly online magazine will deliver the very latest news in microbiology, including exclusive content for Applied Microbiology International (AMI) members and daily updates on research and policy developments.